Coordenators and Owners - Grounds Elders - Family Drums - Main Gate Greeters - Sound Booth Helper - Smudging - Storytellers - Feasting Area Helpers - Grounds Helpers - Faces of the Trading Post
The Faces that you may see during our Gatherings
Spirit Eagle
Smiles Alot
Elders of Mother Earth's Creations - Intertribal Powwow Grounds
All of the people below are significant to the Honor & Respect show towards the Grounds and their presents at the Events. We are Honored to call them Elders here at Mother Earth's Creations.
Richard & Auntie Crow
Guiding Hawk
Onkwe Tase
Jim Batchelder
John John
Mark & Laura
Paul Beaulieu
Ms Jane
Red Hawk Woman
Pat Lilly
Quiet Hawk & New Moon Rising
Walks With Spirit
Broken Arrow
Dave Searching Owl
Roland Two Feathers
Paul Dancing Coyote
At most POWWOWs there is a primary Drum that is known as the "Host Drum". This Drum has been invited by the gathering orgainzer to be the Lead drum of a powwow. Other Guest Drums may be present and offer their drumming and song, but the Host Drum is the primary drum playing throughout the event and coordinating the songs and drum rotations.
Mother Earth's Creations has created it's own tradition by the Drum's dedication, participation and Honor that has been shown to the Grounds and the People attending the Powwows throughout the years. We do not have a "Host Drum" but Drums that coordinate, announce and offer each of their individual strengths to perform throughout the day. No one drum is more important than any other under the Drum Arbor.